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From School Kids to Adventurers

Keeping kids safe, and outdoor adventurers on the move – A-Alert is an exciting new app on the safety scene!

Worried that your kids might get into trouble and you won’t know? Want them to get out and explore the world without concern? A-Alert has got the best safety app on the market to keep your children safe when they are out and about! With a fresh, streamlined design, it is so easy to use and its features make living life a breeze!

No matter what your age, or what kind of activities you undertake – life is full of risk. Of course, without risk, there can be no reward. In living life, we all must take regular risks and hope for the best possible outcome. And most of the time, that’s exactly what happens!

As you age, the situations you put yourself in and the chances you take change, but the importance of planning for your safety never does. Putting basic safety measures in place is the same for everyone, from school children to mountain climbers in their active 30’s.

How does the A-Alert Personal Safety System help keep my kids safe?

Teaching your kids to use this app during their daily lives can have many benefits, as well as allowing you to program in some routine Pre-set Alerts that will give you peace of mind.

Pre-set Alerts could be used when it is time for your child to walk to school, or home from school on their own or with a friend. They could also be set for regular extra-curricular activities like sports, music or dance lessons and art classes. As we well know, children live their lives 10 steps ahead of thought and having set Alerts programmed in can help give you the security of knowing that they are safe without relying on your children to remember to check in with you.

Teaching them to use the Quickset Alert feature has the added benefit of your child learning to stop and consider their choices of activities.

Using the A-Alert Personal Safety System is the perfect way to teach your kids how to think about their safety, and gives you peace of mind. 

How does the A-Alert Personal Safety System support adventurers and extreme sports enthusiasts?

No matter your gender or age group, some people are just addicted to the thrill of adventure and risk! Here at A-Alert we want to encourage and support this enthusiastic approach to life, by providing you with a system that allows you to experience the highs of your adventures, unhindered by the lows of worry over personal safety or the wellbeing of your pets should anything go wrong.

There are so many different sports and activities that should have an extra layer of safety built in. Indeed, many of these activities have historically had safety concerns addressed by first letting someone know where you were going, when you expected to be back and how they might be able to reach you in the interim. Nowadays though, technology has evolved to the point where it doesn’t have to be such a logistical feat to plan and A-Alert Personal Safety System offers significant security .

These are just some of the types of activities you could consider using our system for:

The range of features that A-Alert Personal Safety System has designed are the perfect way to easily and conveniently keep yourself safe and free from worry while you’re out conquering the world.

For long adventures like extended hikes or sailing trips, Pre-set Alerts would work to check on you at regular intervals – every hour for example.

For shorter, one-off occurrences like an early morning fishing trip or going for a rock climb in your local national park – Quickset Alerts would work best. Simply set a timer before setting out on your activity, and throw yourself into the fun without worrying over what would happen if you became injured or unconscious – help will automatically be on its way should you fail to disable the Alert.

What also makes A-Alert so unique is that it is the only alert system on the market that works when your smartphone is not working or out of service range. For the avid adventurer, this feature means that if you have any pre-set alerts set and you happen to adventure too far, your A-Alert notification will still function as they are dispatched from a separate mainframe system.

Of course, there is always our urgent Support Group Alerts and Emergency SOS Alerts for those times in extreme and urgent emergencies.

A-alert Personal Safety System keeps people of all ages and lifestyles safe

The features and application of our Personal Safety System are designed to cater to people of all ages and inclinations. The advantage is that everyone in the family can utilise A-Alert for a variety of activities. Our objective is to provide safety and peace of mind not only for the user but for loved ones and precious pets. 

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A-Alert is for people from all walks of life. No more wearing outdated hanging devices around your neck or being confined to your house for your safety system to function. A-Alert is a digital driven safety system. Take your smartphone with you and you have the most revolutionary safety system on the market, right in the palm of your hand!